Created in May 2012, this game has become a global hit just weeks after it was released. is a simulation game that deals with mass extinction through a pandemic or outbreak.

Let’s dive in to know more about these popular games. And with both games’ huge success, even by developing just two games, Ndemic Creations are one of the unexpected successful game creators in the world. Because of their unique gameplay with very realistic elements, a lot of people loved playing these games. Luckily for Ndemic Creations, both the games they’ve created are highly favored by gamers. Besides the famous Plague Inc., they are also the creators of Rebel Inc. So who are Ndemic Creations? It is an independent game studio based in the UK that develops high-quality strategy games. And thanks to the geniuses behind the game, Ndemic Creations, it couldn’t be brought to life.

ring a bell to you? Well, for most players, it does because it’s one of the most anticipated games up to date.